Trenabol 75 | Best Injectable Steroids for Sale
Product details
Trenabol 75 (Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/ml) British Dragon - 10ml vial
Drug Introduction:
Trenabol 75 is used by bodybuilders for both bulking and cutting purposes mainly with the objective of having a substantial increase in muscle mass. Originally, it had its use only as a veterinary medicine for cattle in order to overcome overweight during shipping. There are other Trenbolone based steroids such as Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) and Tri-Trenabol, which possesses three different kinds of trenbolone in it. The half-life of Trenbolone varies between 48-72 hours depending on how the user’s body responds to it.
Trenbolone is a synthetic powerful steroid finding a wide range of application both in medicine and sports. Bodybuilders and athletes rate this drug as a very good one.
It is of utmost importance to get the dosage right according to the capacity and need of an individual because it is a very powerful steroid and can cause serious negative side-effects if not administered properly. The standard dose of Trenbolone is 50mg per day in the general circumstances while some individual prefer taking 100mg per day every alternate day. At the maximum, one can take 100mg per day. But the problem with taking a high dosage of 100mg per day is that you run yourself more chances of risking the side-effects. The duration of the cycle varies for beginners and advanced body users. For the former, it is 8-12 weeks while for the latter it may go up to 14 weeks.
A nice tone of body image is achieved by burning off fat reserves when the Trenbolone cycle is stacked with Winstrol (Stanozolol). That is why there are many bodybuilders who like stacking Trenbolone with Winstrol during the last 4 weeks of their cycle with the aim of getting a chiseled look. In this case, the standard doze for Trenbolone is usually 60mg per day and the tablet form of Winstrol works best.
The ultimate gain of using Trenbolone is that it offers great flexibility as far as it’s duration of cycle is concerned.
Other products with which bodybuilders stack Trenbolone are Testosterone Propionate and Dianabol (Methandienone).
When used solely a typical Trenbolone cycle is of 8 weeks and the dosage range between 300-500mg per week.
A PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is a must after the completion of every cycle of Trenbolone irrespective of the fact whether it ends with Trenbolone in the final week of the cycle or not.
The thing with side-effects of Trenbolone is that if a side-effect occurs it takes the steroid 2-3 days to subside as it has a relatively longer half-life of 48-72 hours. For first time users of this drug, appetite is bound to get higher than normal although it has got nothing to do with side-effects. It is depending on the goal of the cycle that the Trenbolone cycle length varies. Gynecomastia is a possible side-effect with Trenbolone since it is an androgenic steroid. Women are strictly advised to stay away from these steroids. Symptoms such as Trenbolone cough and decrease in cardiovascular output may also be experienced. Restlessness is also another symptom that may occur with the complex reaction of this drug.
For those especially taking the larger doses and longer cycles may well run the risk of damaging their liver and kidney because with androgen injectables there is additional pressure put on the liver and the kidney. However, having said that there are also many instances where individual bear with these rather well.
Other side-effects include acne, hair loss, insomnia, increase in blood pressure and heart rate, alopecia, sweating, etc. But it is quite possible to avoid these side-effects by implementing the correct dosage.
The risk of side-effects is found to be increasing dramatically when taken with clenbuterol drug or ephedrine. So it is highly recommended that the steroid is never taken with those combinations.
Trenbolone produces both anabolic and androgenic punch.
One common side-effect that is bound to occur with Trenbolone in all men who supplement with it is natural testosterone suppression leading to shrunken testicles.
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